Volunteer-tutor program

The program’s purpose – suteikti tėvų globos netekusiems vaikams individualią savanorių–korepetitorių ugdomąją ir emocinę pagalbą, padedant suprasti ugdymo(si) svarbą, užpildyti mokymosi spragas, išmokti kurti pasitikėjimu grįstus santykius, įsitraukti į darbo rinką.

The program focuses on children, especially those experiencing social exclusion, from families with a lack of social skills and families at social risk, who have lost parental care, who live in foster homes or with caregivers or adoptive parents (hereinafter - Children).

We invite you to engage wholeheartedly in active, long-term volunteering in children's care homes, day centers, and socially sensitive families. To become a tutor and a friend, to help learn and grow, to inspire hope and connect - these are the words that describe the essence of this activity.

Become a volunteer-tutor. Visit a children's care home or daycare center and teach your pupil the thing you know best! You can teach subjects taught at school: Lithuanian, mathematics, English, chemistry, physics... or offer us the original idea - your lesson.

We believe that time and effort are more valuable than material support. Continuous attention is more valuable than one-time attention. The bond established with the Child is priceless. With our work, we aim to reflect the values of "Not to take, but to give" - belief in change in everyone, building trust, and reflection on all experiences.

With this program, we aim to:

1. To promote Children's interest in art, culture, science, help fill learning gaps, deepen academic knowledge, teach more effective independent learning, responsibility, help understand the value of education, provide knowledge about higher education opportunities, professional orientation, help prepare for matriculation exams.

2. Reduce Children's social isolation in society, promote their self-confidence, and help them (re)integrate into the education system, labor market, and living environment.

Participate in the program and collect digital badges of competence in the Badgecraft system


Step 1 - filling up the registration form. People over the age of 16 can participate in the program.

Step 2 - participation in an information meeting presenting the progress and conditions of the Volunteer-tutor program. Motivational interviews are held with potential volunteers, their opportunities and needs are identified, and organizations hosting volunteers are presented. After the information meeting, a questionnaire is sent to all participants regarding their decision to participate in the program, the choice of the organization hosting the volunteers, and registration for the introductory training of the volunteers of the program.

Step 3 - participation in a tripartite meeting of the volunteer, the curator of the chosen volunteer organization, and the mentor, during which everyone's expectations, possibilities, the process of signing the contract, and the start of volunteering are discussed.

Step 4 - participation in introductory training, during which volunteers are given basic knowledge about the specifics and nature of working with Children.

Step 5 - a tripartite voluntary activity contract for 1 academic year is signed.

Step 6 - accompanying the volunteer to the organization hosting the volunteer, familiarizing with the designated Child and with the with the rules of the organization hosting the volunteer.

Step 7 - responsible and honest volunteering in the host organization for at least 2 hours per week, 8 hours per month, meeting regularly with the Child throughout the school year.

Step 8 - participation in group meetings of the mentor and volunteers 2 times a month. This is the process of training volunteers, which is necessary to ensure quality work with Children and to develop personal competencies.


Program coordinator aiste.abramaviciute@nibd.lt




In Vilnius city municipality

The name of the organization Address
Vilniaus Antakalnio vaikų socialinės globos namai V. Grybo g. 29, Vilnius*
VšĮ „Vilniaus SOS vaikų kaimas“ Ozo g. 37, Vilnius*
Vilniaus vaikų socialinės globos namuose „Gilė“ Lakštingalų g. 9, Vilnius*
VšĮ Pal. J. Matulaičio socialinis centras J. Matulaičio a. 3, Vilnius
VšĮ „Vilniaus SOS vaikų kaimas“ Jaunimo namai Nedruvos g. 13, Vilnius
Vilniaus Žolyno vaikų socialinės globos namai Džiaugsmo g. 45, Vilnius*
„SOS Globėjų tarnyba“ Families in social difficulties.
Vilniaus miesto socialinės paramos centras Families in social difficulties.
„Žiburio“ labdaros ir paramos fondas Families in social difficulties.

*The volunteering organization has more places to volunteer.


In Vilnius district municipality

The name of the organization Address
Vaidotų atviras jaunimo centras Statybininkų g. 1, Vaidotai, Vilniaus r.
„SOS Globėjų tarnyba“ Families in social difficulties.


In Kaunas city municipality

The name of the organization Address
Vaikų gerovės centras „Pastogė“ P. Plechavičiaus g. 21, Kaunas
Kauno Šv. Kryžiaus (Karmelitų) parapijos dienos centras „Vaikų stotelė“ Gedimino g. 5A, Kaunas
VšĮ „Senamiesčio vaikų dienos centras“ Jonavos g. 14, Kaunas
Kauno arkivyskupijos Caritas programa „Vaiko gerovės institutas“ Jonavos g. 14, Kaunas
Kauno Švč. Jėzaus Širdies parapijos vaikų dienos centras A. Juozapavičiaus pr. 60, Kaunas
VšĮ „Gerumo rankos“ Linkuvos g. 58, Kaunas
VŠĮ „Ištiesk pagalbos ranką“ vaikų dienos centras „Santara“ Baltų pr. 51, Kaunas