For organizations


This is an opportunity to become a volunteer receiving organization accredited by the Youth Affairs Agency at SADM, i.e. a place where a young person can volunteer. The organization undertakes to provide the volunteer with 40 hours of a monthly volunteer activity plan (schedule) that would meet the volunteer's competencies and make sense both for the volunteer and for the organization itself. The curator undertakes to train the young person, to educate and support them during the service, and to discuss activities and difficulties once every two weeks. The host organization receives the volunteer’s help and long-term commitment in return for providing quality activities and appropriate support to the volunteers.


1. Paraiškos akreditacijai pateikimas ir anketos užpildymas.

Organizations wishing to receive accreditation or re-accreditation must fill out an application containing information about the organization, its activities, and plans. If the organization intends to accept volunteers in more than one activity location, all curators who will work with volunteers in the departments must be specified in the application.

⇒ Send the completed and signed application in pdf format and editable word format (for uploading information to the database) to the Youth Affairs Agency by e-mail to the

⇒ Accreditation of organizations hosting youth volunteers takes place throughout the year.

Description of the accreditation procedure for organizations accepting youth volunteers.

2. Application evaluation and meeting with an expert.

⇒ The organization's application is assessed by the staff of the Youth Affairs Agency and external experts who meet with the organization's representatives (including the manager).

⇒ Organizations that have candidates to become volunteers of the YVS program are evaluated in order of priority. In this case, when sending the application, indicate in the letter that you have volunteers willing to perform the service.

⇒ During the meeting, experts communicate with representatives of the organization. With the manager and with those responsible for accompanying the accepted volunteers and implementing the program. During this meeting, the aim is to assess the organization's preparation, opportunities and space for a young person to improve, possible tasks of the volunteer, and the structure of the volunteer's support are discussed.

3. Decision and recommendations.

⇒ After the meeting with the organization, the experts, based on the information provided in the organization's application and during the meeting, make a decision on accreditation and prepare recommendations for further development of the organization. If the organization has the skills to accompany volunteers, it is accredited.

⇒ If the organization has already been accredited before, it can apply for re-accreditation. During re-accreditation, the organization will also have to submit an application, a meeting with experts will take place, and the organization will receive expert recommendations.


1. In organizations whose accreditation has expired and has not been extended, the implemented Youth Voluntary Service program will not be credited and/or the period that the young person will implement in a non-accredited organization will not be included in the total amount of hours of voluntary activity implemented by the Youth Voluntary Service.

2. If the organization is already accredited to receive volunteers under European Solidarity Corps programs, it can apply for simplified accreditation. During the simplified accreditation, the organization must also submit an application and data on valid accreditation and confirmation that it is familiar with the requirements of the Youth Voluntary Service.

3. An organization that has not been granted accreditation, having implemented the recommendations provided by the experts, will be able to reapply for accreditation or re-accreditation no earlier than after 1 month.

4. If the accredited organization receiving volunteers wants to include additional units in the accreditation, it must submit an application. The representatives of the department will also have a meeting with accreditation experts and receive their recommendations.

5. If there is a change of volunteer curator in the organization, the organization must submit a free-form application to the Youth Affairs Agency, which indicates the contacts of the new curator, the reason for the need to include a new curator and other information related to the application.

6. An organization seeking to accept more volunteers for the program submits a free-form application to the Youth Affairs Agency, indicating the number of volunteers it wishes to accept. Attached to the application is the completed Addition 1 of the description of the quality and maintenance procedure for the implementation of the Youth Voluntary Service, which contains detailed plans for the activities of a typical week of volunteers, making as many plans as additional volunteers are desired.

Frequently asked questions from host organizations

Naujo kuratoriaus registracija į sistemą.

More information for organizations receiving volunteers here.

Stay tuned for news about Youth Voluntary Service on the website of the Agency for Youth Affairs or in a social network Facebook account.