NOCV from 2022 an operating network of organizations coordinating volunteering, the purpose of which is to develop a culture of volunteering in Lithuania.

NOCV tasks:

  1. To develop quality standards for volunteering and strive, that the organizations working with volunteers follow them.
  2. To participate in the formation of public policy on volunteering in order to involve non-governmental organizations working in the field of coordination of volunteering activities in the decision-making processes of state institutions.
  3. To represent the interests of the non-governmental sector working with volunteering in public and management institutions.
  4. To carry out monitoring of volunteering processes in Lithuania.
  5. To delegate representatives to councils, commissions, committees or other advisory collegial management formations and working groups of state institutions that are related to volunteering and its development in Lithuania and beyond, conveying good practice.
  6. To promote cooperation between the parties to this joint activity (partnership) agreement.
  7. To promote and initiate research and analysis related to volunteering processes and the quality of volunteering implementation in Lithuania.

NOCV founders

VšĮ „Socialinis veiksmas“director Milda Lukoševičiūtė
VšĮ Pal. J. Matulaičio socialinis centrasleader Dalia Beliukevičiūtė
VšĮ „Jaunimo asmeninio tobulėjimo centras“director Žilvinas Mažeikis
"Not to take, but to give"director Erikas Lukas Dvilevičius
LPF „Maisto bankas“director Simon Gurevičius
Maltos ordino pagalbos tarnybageneral secretary Dalia Kedavičienė
Lietuvos Raudonojo Kryžiaus Draugijageneral secretary Kristina Meidė
VšĮ „Actio Catholica Patria“director Rūta Padriezė
VšĮ Visuomenės ir verslo plėtros institutasdirector Vladas Polevičius
Asociacija LITDEAthe chairman Tomas Kurapkaitis
Vilniaus Arkivyskupijos Caritasdirector Audronė Kairienė