Open youth center - VAJE

Visitor registration

Atviras jaunimo centras – VAJE – tai vieta, kurioje dirbama su jaunais žmonėmis, kuriant galimybes dalyvauti jaunimo poreikius atliepiančioje ir sąmoningumo ugdymą(si) skatinančioje veikloje, ypač siekiant įtraukti neaktyvius ir mažiau galimybių turinčius jaunus žmones.
We believe that conscious young people create a sustainable society.

Forms of youth work:

  1. Open work with youth in Vilnius district municipality, Vilnius city municipality.
  2. Mobile work with youth in Vilnius district municipality.
  3. Development of youth practical skills in Vilnius district municipality, Vilnius city municipality.

Open youth center - VAJE is the 1st youth center in Vilnius district municipality..

Since 2023, the youth center has been an accredited organization hosting youth volunteers, as per the order of the Director of the Youth Affairs Agency under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour dated February 10, 2023, No. 18P-40(5.52E).

Since October 7, 2023, the Open Youth Center - VAJE has a Youth Council, whose function is to address issues relevant to the youth center visitors and submit proposals to the Public Institution „Ne imti, bet duoti“ regarding the organization and implementation of activities that align with the needs and opportunities of the youth at the center


  1. Mutual respect - youth center employees and volunteers must respect the lifestyle chosen by young people, which may differ from their personal values, adhere to the principles of confidentiality and professional ethics.
  2. Active involvement - youth gets involved in the joint decision-making of youth and staff regarding the organization and implementation of activities, this is the method and result of open work with youth.
  3. Open and informal communication - the relationship between a youth center worker or volunteer and a young person is based on mutual trust, equality and learning from each other by participating in activities.
  4. Openness - the activities of our youth center are open to changes in the social and cultural situation (environment), various life situations, conditions, worldviews of young people and are focused on the needs of young people.
  5. Cooperation - Youth Center employees encourage the cooperation of institutions, organizations, state and municipal institutions and engage in already existing intersectoral or interdepartmental cooperation (we conduct non-formal education classes in schools, invite guests of various specialties to the youth center, etc.).
  6. Joint activities - during the activities of the youth center, people are learning how to solve problems in a group, how to make decisions in cooperation with other, how to share work and/or responsibilities with them.
  7. Individuality - work with youth is organized taking into account the needs of each young person with whom we work, individual consultations are carried out.
  8. Confidentiality - information related to the help provided by the youth worker and personal information shared by the youth with the youth worker is not disclosed, collected, or transferred to other institutions and third parties without the consent of the young person.
  9. Learning from experience - work with young people is based on the young person's personal experience and self-evaluation.
  10. Referral - a young person, taking into account his individual needs, is directed to state and/or municipal institutions and/or institutions, other entities that can provide him with the necessary assistance and/or information.
  11. Focusing on the needs of the young person - when carrying out the activities of the youth center, we focus on the needs of the young people, their life situation and conditions, we solve those issues that are of interest to the young person and are important to him.
  12. Provision of help that meets the needs - youth workers and volunteers inform the young person about the possibilities of receiving medical, social, psychological or other help, but the help can only be provided with the person's consent.
  13. Accessibility - the youth center's activities and offers to young people do not depend on their membership in the youth center, there are no participation fees, requirements to be able or able to carry out youth work activities, or other factors that may limit the possibilities of youth involvement in activities. All youth work activities are carried out in a place accessible to the youth in their free time. Information about youth work activities is made public by means and methods available to the youth and the community.
  14. Building a relationship - working with youth builds a trusting relationship between a youth worker or volunteer and a young person. The task of a youth worker and volunteer is to establish a relationship with a young person, focusing on his daily life.
  15. Safe environments - conditions are ensured for a young person to learn, act, and implement ideas safely without experiencing physical and psychological violence.
  16. Voluntary participation - work with young people is based on the voluntary decision of a young person and their involvement in activities without experiencing any form of discrimination.